Mathematics, Logic and Computation

A Satellite workshop of ICALP03

In honour of N.G. de Bruijn's 85th anniversary

4-5 July 2003


Eindhoven, the Netherlands

N.G. de Bruijn was born on July 9, 1918. He finished school at the age of 16, studied Mathematics at Leiden University and received his PhD on modular functions at the Free University of Amsterdam in 1943. From 1939 to 1944 N.G. de Bruijn was a full-time assistant at the Technical University of Delft. That period helped him get through a large part of the war without forced labour in Germany (Delft was in the hands of the German during the war). De Bruijn started his professional career as a researcher at the Philips Research Laboratory in Eindhoven from 1944 to 1946, then occupied a full professorship at the University of Delft from 1946 until 1952 when he moved to a professorship at the University of Amsterdam. In 1960, N.G. de Bruijn returned to Eindhoven University as a professor of Mathematics at Eindhoven University of Technology. De Bruijn's's contributions in the fields of Mathematics and Computer Science are numerous. His book on advanced asymptotic methods, North-Holland 1958, was a classic and was subsequently turned into a book by the famous Dover books series as a result. His work on combinatorics resulted in influential notions and results of which we mention the de Bruijn-sequences of 1946 and the de Bruijn-Erdos theorem of 1948. De Bruijn's famous contributions to mathematics include his work on generalized function theory, analytic number theory, optimal control, quasicrystals, the mathematical analysis of games and much more. In each area he approached, he shed a new light and was known for his originality. De Bruijn could rightly assume the motto "I did it my way" as his own motto. And when it came to automating Mathematics, he again did it his way and introduced the highly influential Automath. In the past decade he has been also working on the theories of the human brain.

Due to the varieties of contributions of de Bruijn, the workshop will concentrate on the computational aspects of Mathematics.

Invited Speakers

Here is the programme

Travel and hotel information is available from the ICALP 2003 web site.

The accepted paper appeared in the ENTCS, Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 85(7), MLC 2003. ENTCS, ISBN 044451290X, Elsevier. Apart from the electronic version on the web, we also plan to have a printed hard copy version ready at the workshop.

Here is the call for papers and instructions for authors.

Programme committee for selection of accepted papers at workshop

The programme committee for the selection of the papers for the workshop consists of the following: Last modified: 16 June 2003.