Seminar: Developing a simple RDF graph library

Date: 11:15, 14 November

Venue: F.17. Colin Maclaurin Building, Heriot-Watt University

Title: Developing a simple RDF graph library

Speaker: Rob Stewart, Heriot-Watt University

Abstract: In this talk I shall present the design and the implementation details of a simple Haskell library for working with RDF data. The library supports parsing and pretty printing for the XML/Turtle/NTriple RDF serialisation formats, and graph querying. It has multiple in-memory representations for RDF graphs, exposed as a parameter to the programmer to meet their application specific needs.

The presentation will cover: the API, how the various RDF graph representations are implemented internally, the W3C testsuite that this library uses to ensure W3C RDF spec conformance, and the library’s performance benchmarking suite.