Seminar: The Challenges of Automated Ontology Debugging: Experiences and Ideas

Title: The Challenges of Automated Ontology Debugging: Experiences and Ideas

Speaker: Juan Casanova, University of Edinburgh

Date: 11:15 on 18 February 2019

Location: CM F.17, Heriot-Watt University

Abstract: Some of the principal attractive aspects of semantic automated reasoning methods (logic) are, at the same time, what fights against it becoming widely spread and easily usable for the management of large amounts of data coming from multiple sources (ontologies). Ontology debugging is a fundamental subfield to master if automated ontology-based technologies are to be in charge of large data and knowledge management systems.

I am still a PhD student, and relatively new to the field, but during my work on ontology debugging techniques I feel I have come to identify a few fundamental challenges that we need to be aware of, such as the need for additional information, how big the issue of (local) inconsistency in ontologies can be, and the problem of efficiently finding relevant justifications for inferences.

In this talk, I’ll be briefly explaining my work on automated fault detection using meta-ontologies, in the context of which I have identified and battled with these challenges, and I’ll be presenting my opinions on where these challenges are coming from and what could be done to tackle them. It is likely that some of you will disagree with some of my claims or think that they are obvious, and that is precisely why I think this talk should incentivize some useful and interesting discussion.