SPARQL For Beginners

SPARQL (Sparql Protocol And RDF Query Language) is the W3C standard. The protocol part is usally only an issue for people writing programs that pass SPARQL queries back and forth between different machines. For most people SPARQL greatest value is as a query language for RDF – another W3C standard. RDF describes data using a collection of three-part of one statement such as emp3 has a title of Vice President.

We call each statement a triple and one triple consist of three parts these are Subject, Predicate and Object.

We can also say the Subject as an Entity Identifier, Predicate as an Attribute Name and Object as an Attribute Value.

The subject and predicate are actually represented using URIs to make it absolutely clear what we are talking about. URIs (Uniform Resource Identifier) kind of URLs and often look like them but they are not locators or addresses they are just identifiers. In our example, emp3 is the person who works in a specific company so we can represent this using URI like and title is also URI from the published ontology (In our case VCard business card ontology).

The object or third part of a triple can also be a URI if you like this way that same resource can be the object of some triples and subject of the others which lets you connect up triples into networks of data called Graphs.

To make URIs simpler to write RDF popular Turtle syntax often shortens the URIs by having the abbreviated prefix stand-in for everything in the URI before the last part.

Any data can be represented as a collection of triples for example we can usually represent each entry of a table by using the Row Identifier is the Subject, Column Name is the Predicate and Value is the Object.

Convert Relational Database Table to RDF Statements

We can convert above table in RDF triple statements. The following RDF statements are in Turtle format of above table.
    @prefix vcard: <> .
    @prefix sn: <> .

    sn:emp1   vcard:given-name        "Heidi" .
    sn:emp1   vcard:family-name       "Peter" .
    sn:emp1   vcard:title             "CEO" .
    sn:emp1   sn:hireDate             "2016-10-21" .
    sn:emp1   sn:completedOrientation "2016-10-30" .

    sn:emp2   vcard:given-name         "John" .
    sn:emp2   vcard:family-name        "Peter" .
    sn:emp2   sn:hireDate              "2016-10-28" .
    sn:emp2   vcard:title              "Engineer" .
    sn:emp2   sn:completedOrientation  "2015-01-30" .

    sn:emp3   vcard:given-name          "Imran" .
    sn:emp3   vcard:family-name         "Asif" .
    sn:emp3   sn:hireDate               "2014-12-03" .
    sn:emp3   vcard:title               "Vice President" .

    sn:emp4   vcard:given-name          "Duke" .
    sn:emp4   vcard:family-name         "Walliam" .
    sn:emp4   vcard:title               "Sales" .
    sn:emp4   sn:hireDate               "2015-11-10" .

This information can give us triples for every fact on the table. Some of the property names here from the vCard vocabulary. For those properties that are not available in vCard vocabulary, I made up my own property names using my own domain name. RDF makes it easy to mix and mash standard vocabularies and customizations.

Let’s say that the employee in the above table, John Peter completed his employee orientation course twice and if we want to store both of his completed course orientation values in the RDF then there is not a problem with the RDF. But if we want to stored John’s second completed orientation value in a relational database table then it would have been a lot more difficult.

    sn:emp2   vcard:given-name          "John" .
    sn:emp2   vcard:family-name         "Peter" .
    sn:emp2   sn:hireDate               "2016-10-28" .
    sn:emp2   vcard:title               "Engineer" .
    sn:emp2   sn:completedOrientation   "2015-01-30" .
    sn:emp2   sn:completedOrientation   "2015-03-15" .

SPARQL Example Queries

WHERE Clause

let’s look at a simple SPARQL query that retrieve some of the data from the above RDF Triples.
Query 1: We want a list of all employees whose last name is Peter.

    PREFIX vcard: <>
    SELECT ?person
      ?person vcard:family-name "Peter" .

We can define the prefixes in the start of SPARQL query due to the Turtle RDF syntax, that’s why you don’t have to write absolute URIs in your queries. For most SPARQL queries it’s best to look at the Where clause first because that describe which triples we want to pull from the dataset that we are querying. The Where clause does this with one or more triple patterns which are likely triples with variables as wildcards substituted into one, two or all three of each triples parts.

In the Query 1, one triple pattern will match against triples whose predicate is the family name property from the vCard vocabulary, whose object is string Peter and whose subject is anything at all. Because this triple pattern has a variable that I named person.


The Select clause indicates which variables values we want listed after the query executes. The Query 1 only has one variable so that’s the one we want to see.

When the query executes, it finds two triples that match the specified pattern from the RDF triples set and assigned these two triples to the person variable which are the subjects e.g., emp1 and emp2. The following triples show the two matches of the above query with green colour.

    @prefix vcard: <> .
    @prefix sn: <> .

    sn:emp1   vcard:given-name        "Heidi" .
    sn:emp1   vcard:family-name       "Peter" .
    sn:emp1   vcard:title             "CEO" .
    sn:emp1   sn:hireDate             "2016-10-21" .
    sn:emp1   sn:completedOrientation "2016-10-30" .

    sn:emp2   vcard:given-name         "John" .
    sn:emp2   vcard:family-name        "Peter" .
    sn:emp2   sn:hireDate              "2016-10-28" .
    sn:emp2   vcard:title              "Engineer" .
    sn:emp2   sn:completedOrientation  "2015-01-30" .
    sn:emp2   sn:completedOrientation  "2015-03-15" .

    sn:emp3   vcard:given-name          "Imran" .
    sn:emp3   vcard:family-name         "Asif" .
    sn:emp3   sn:hireDate               "2014-12-03" .
    sn:emp3   vcard:title               "Vice President" .

    sn:emp4   vcard:given-name          "Duke" .
    sn:emp4   vcard:family-name         "Walliam" .
    sn:emp4   vcard:title               "Sales" .
    sn:emp4   sn:hireDate               "2015-11-10" .

Let’s executes the Query 1 and find out who are these Peters. we get the following table as a result.

From the above results, we can see that emp1 and emp2 are just identifiers. This doesn’t give us meaningful result.
Query 2: Now let’s add a second triple pattern in the WHERE clause that matches on the given name of the employee, who matches the first triple pattern and stores that value in a new givenName variable.

    PREFIX vcard: <> 

    SELECT ?person ?givenName
       ?person vcard:family-name "Peter" . 
       ?person vcard:given-name ?givenName .

The explanation of the Query 2 is that we need to adjust the SELECT Clause with the new variable givenName because now we want this in the result. The SPARQL query processor finds each triple that matches the first triple pattern and store the value in the person variable. When it looks for the second triple pattern in the WHERE clause, who have a triple that matches the first triple pattern. In easy words, SPARQL processor get all triples of family-name Peter along with given-name. So when we run the Query 2 we see given name values in the result.

Query 3: Let’s retrieve the given name, family name and hire date of all the employees.
We can do this with a WHERE Clause that has three triple patterns one for each piece of information that we want to retrieve.

    PREFIX vcard: <>
    PREFIX sn: <>

    SELECT ?givenName ?familyName ?hireDate
        ?person vcard:given-name ?givenName .
        ?person vcard:family-name ?familyName .
        ?person sn:hireDate ?hireDate .

When we run the query 3, we get the following results.

FILTER Keyword

If we want to narrow down the results based on some condition, we can use a FILTER pattern.
Query 4: Let’s say we want a list of employees who are hired before November 1st so the FILTER pattern specifies that we only want HD values that are less than November 1st 2015.

    PREFIX vcard: <>
    PREFIX sn: <>

    SELECT ?givenName ?familyName ?hireDate
        ?person vcard:given-name ?givenName .
        ?person vcard:family-name ?familyName .
        ?person sn:hireDate ?hireDate .
        FILTER(?hireDate < "2015-11-01")

When we run the query 4, we get the following results in the ISO 8601 date format.

Query 5: Let’s remove the FILTER condition and list the employees and their completed orientation values instead of their hire date values.

    PREFIX vcard: <>
    PREFIX sn: <>

    SELECT ?givenName ?familyName ?oDate
        ?person vcard:given-name ?givenName .
        ?person vcard:family-name ?familyName .
        ?person sn:completedOrientation  ?oDate .

When we run the query 5, we get the following results.

We see only Heidi and John’s orientation dates but the other employees don’t appear at all in the results why not? Let’s look more closely at the query triple patterns. The query first looks for a triple with a given name value and then a triple with the same subject as the subject that it found to match the first triple pattern but with a family name value and then another triple with the same subject and a completed orientation value. John and Heidi each have triples that match all the query triple patterns but Imran and Duke cannot match all three triple patterns. You have noted that John actually had two triples that matched the third pattern of the query, so the query had two rows of results for him, one for each completed orientation value.


Query 6: Let’s take another example, list of all employees and if they have any their completed orientation values.
We can tell query processor that matching on the third triple pattern is OPTIONAL.

    PREFIX vcard: <>
    PREFIX sn: <>

    SELECT ?givenName ?familyName ?oDate
        ?person vcard:given-name ?givenName .
        ?person vcard:family-name ?familyName .
        OPTIONAL { ?person sn:completedOrientation  ?oDate . }

This query asks for everyone with a given name and a family name and if they have a completed orientation value it will show the following result.


Query 7: Next let’s say that Heidi is scheduling a new orientation meeting and wants to know who to invite, in other words she wants to list all employees who do not have a completed orientation value.
Her query asks for everyone’s given and family names but only if for any employee who matches those first two triple patterns no triple exists that lists a completed orientation value for that employee. We do this with the keywords NOT EXISTS.

    PREFIX vcard: <>
    PREFIX sn: <>

    SELECT ?givenName ?familyName
        ?person vcard:given-name ?givenName .
        ?person vcard:family-name ?familyName .
        NOT EXISTS { ?person sn:completedOrientation  ?oDate . }

When we run the query 7, we get the following results.

BIND Keyword

So far, the only way we have seen to store a value in a variable is to include that variable in a triple pattern for the query processor to match against some part of triple. We can use the bind keyword to store whatever we like in a variable.

    PREFIX vcard: <>
    PREFIX sn: <>

    SELECT ?givenName ?familyName ?someVariable
    WHERE {
        ?person vcard:given-name ?givenName .
        ?person vcard:family-name ?familyName .
        BIND("some value" AS ?someVariable)

When we run the above query, we get the following results.

This can be especially useful when the BIND expression uses values from other variables and calls some of SPARQL broad range of available functions to create a new value. In the following query the bind statement uses SPARQL’s concat function to concatenate the given name value stored by the first triple pattern a space and the family name value stored by the second triple pattern. It stores the result of this concatenation in a new variable called fullName.

    PREFIX vcard: <>
    PREFIX sn: <>

    SELECT ?givenName ?familyName ?fullName
    WHERE {
        ?person vcard:given-name ?givenName .
        ?person vcard:family-name ?familyName .
        BIND(concat(?givenName," ",?familyName) AS ?fullName)

When we run the above query, we get the following results with new full name value for each employee.


All the queries we have seen so far have been SELECT queries which are like SQL SELECT statements. A Sparql construct query uses the same kind of WHERE clauses that a SELECT query can use but it can use the values stored in the variables to create the new triples.

    PREFIX vcard: <>
    PREFIX sn: <>

    CONSTRUCT {?person vcard:fn ?fullName
    WHERE {
        ?person vcard:given-name ?givenName .
        ?person vcard:family-name ?familyName .
        BIND(concat(?givenName," ",?familyName) AS ?fullName)

When we run the above query, we get the following new triples.

Note that how the triple pattern showing the triple to construct is inside of curly braces. These curly braces can enclose multiple triple patterns which is a common practice when for example a construct query takes data conforming to one modal and creates triples conforming to another. The construction queries are great for data integration projects.

    PREFIX vcard: <>
    PREFIX sn: <>
    PREFIX foaf: <>
    PREFIX rdf: <>

        ?person rdf:type foaf:Person .
        ?person foaf:givenName ?givenName .
        ?person foaf:familyName ?familyName .
        ?person foaf:name ?fullName .
    WHERE {
        ?person vcard:given-name ?givenName .
        ?person vcard:family-name ?familyName .
        BIND(concat(?givenName," ",?familyName) AS ?fullName)

When we run the above query, we get the following new triples.

            @prefix vcard: <> .
            @prefix sn: <> .
            @prefix foaf: <>
            @prefix rdf: <>

            sn:emp1   rdf:type          foaf:Person .
            sn:emp1   foaf:familyName   "Peter" .
            sn:emp1   foaf:givenName    "Heidi"
            sn:emp1   foaf:name		"Heidi Peter"

            sn:emp2   rdf:type          foaf:Person .
            sn:emp2   foaf:familyName   "Peter" .
            sn:emp2   foaf:givenName    "John"
            sn:emp2   foaf:name		"John Peter"

            sn:emp2   rdf:type          foaf:Person .
            sn:emp2   foaf:familyName   "Asif" .
            sn:emp2   foaf:givenName    "Imran"
            sn:emp2   foaf:name		"Imran Asif"

            sn:emp2   rdf:type          foaf:Person .
            sn:emp2   foaf:familyName   "Walliam" .
            sn:emp2   foaf:givenName    "Duke"
            sn:emp2   foaf:name		"Duke Walliam"


Sparql can do a lot more than what we have seen here. You can
  • Use Data types languages tags,
  • Sort and aggregate query results
  • Add, delete and update data
  • Retrieve JSON, XML, and delimited versions of query results from query processors
  • Send queries to remote private or public data collections and there are quite a few of those out there.


DuCharme, B., 2013. Learning SPARQL: querying and updating with SPARQL 1.1. ” O’Reilly Media, Inc.”.

Constructing More Advanced SPARQL Queries

CONSTRUCT queries, VALUES and more property paths.It was (quite rightly) pointed out that I strangely did not cover CONSTRUCT queries in my previous tutorial on Constructing SPARQL Queries. Additionally, I then went on to use CONSTRUCT queries in both …

CONSTRUCT queries, VALUES and more property paths.

It was (quite rightly) pointed out that I strangely did not cover CONSTRUCT queries in my previous tutorial on Constructing SPARQL Queries. Additionally, I then went on to use CONSTRUCT queries in both my Transforming Tabular Data into Linked Data tutorial and the Linked Data Reconciliation article.

So, to finally correct this - I will cover them here!


First Basic Example
- Alternative Property Paths
Second Basic Example
Example From the Reconciliation Article
Example From the Benchmark (Sneak Preview)


In my last tutorial, I basically ran through SELECT queries from the most basic to some more complex. So what’s the difference?

With selects we are trying to match patterns in the knowledge graph to return results. With constructs we are specifying and building a new graph to return.

In the two tutorials linked (in the intro) I was constructing graphs from tabular data to then insert into a triplestore. I will discuss sections of these later but you should be able to follow the full queries after going through this tutorial.

We usually use CONSTRUCT queries at Wallscope to build a graph for the front-end team. Essentially, we create a portable sub-graph that contains all of the information needed to build a section of an application. Then instead of many select queries to the full database, these queries can be run over the much smaller sub-graph returned by the construct query.

First Basic Example

For this first example I will be querying my Superhero dataset that you can download here.

Each superhero entity in this dataset is connected to their height with the predicate dbo:height as shown here:

Using this basic SELECT query:

PREFIX dbo: <>
SELECT ?hero ?height
?hero dbo:height ?height .

Now lets modify this query slightly into a CONSTRUCT that is almost the same:

PREFIX dbo: <>
?hero dbo:height ?height
?hero dbo:height ?height .

As you can see, this returns the same information but in the form: subject, predicate, object.

This is obviously trivial and not entirely useful but we can play with this graph in the construct with only one condition:

All variables in the CONSTRUCT must be in the WHERE clause.

Basically, like in a SELECT query, the WHERE clause matches patterns in the knowledge graph and returns any variables. The difference with a CONSTRUCT is that these variables are then used to build the graph described in the CONSTRUCT clause.

Hopefully that is clear, but it makes more sense if we change the graph description.

For example, if we decided that we wanted to use schema instead of DBpedia’s ontology, we could switch to it in the first clause:

PREFIX dbo: <>
PREFIX schema: <>
?hero schema:height ?height
?hero dbo:height ?height .

This then returns the superheroes attached to their heights with the schema:height predicate as the variables are matched in the WHERE clause and then recombined in the CONSTRUCT clause.

This simple predicate switching is not entirely useful on it’s own (unless you really need to switch ontology for some reason) but is a good first step to understand this type of query.

To create some more useful CONSTRUCT queries, I’ll first go through VALUES and another type of property path.


I’m sure there are many use-cases in which the VALUES clause is incredibly useful but I can’t say that I use it often. Essentially, it allows data to be provided within the query.

If you are searching for a particular sport in a dataset for example, you could match all entities that are sports and then filter the results for it. This gets more complex however if you are looking for a few particular sports and you may want to provide the few sports within the query.

With VALUES you can constrain your query by creating a variable (can also create multiple variables) and assigning it some data.

I tend to use this with federated queries to grab data (usually for insertion into my database) about a few particular entities.

Let’s go through a practical example of this:

PREFIX dbr: <>
SELECT ?country ?pop
VALUES ?country {

In this example I am interested in the five largest countries in the British Isles to compare populations. For reference (I’m from Scotland and had to check I was correct so imagine others may find this useful also):


I am using DBpedia for this example so I have assigned the five country entities to the variable ?countries and selected them to be returned.

It should therefore be easy enough to grab the corresponding populations you’d think. I add the SERVICE clause to make this a federated query (covered previously). This just sends the countries defined within the query to DBpedia and returns their corresponding populations.

PREFIX dbr: <>
PREFIX dbp: <>
SELECT ?country ?pop
VALUES ?country {

?country dbp:populationCensus ?pop .

Here are the results:

You will notice however that Ireland is missing from the results! You will often find this kind of problem with linked open data, the structure is not always consistent throughout.

To find Ireland’s population we need to switch the predicate from dbp:populationCensus to dbo:populationTotal like so:

PREFIX dbr: <>
PREFIX dbo: <>
SELECT ?country ?pop
VALUES ?country {

?country dbo:populationTotal ?pop .

which returns Ireland alongside its population… but none of the others:

This is of course a problem but before we can construct a solution, let’s run through alternate property paths.

Alternative Property Paths

In my last SPARQL tutorial we covered sequential property paths which (once the benchmark query templates come out) you may notice I am a big fan of.

Another type of property path that I use fairly often is called the Alternative Property Path and is made use of with the pipe (|) character.

If we look back at the problem above in the VALUES section, we can get some populations with one predicate and the rest with another. The alternate property path allows us to match patterns with either! For example, if we modify the population query above we get:

PREFIX dbr: <>
PREFIX dbp: <>
PREFIX dbo: <>
SELECT ?country ?pop
VALUES ?country {

?country dbp:populationCensus | dbo:populationTotal ?pop .

This is such a simple change but so powerful as we now return every country alongside their population with one relatively basic query:

This SELECT is great if we are just looking to find some results but what if we want to store this data in our knowledge graph?

Second Example

It would be a hassle to have to use this alternative property path every time we want to work with country populations. In addition, if users were not aware of this inconsistency, they could find and report incorrect results.

This is why we CONSTRUCT the result graph we want without the inconsistencies. In this case I have chosen dbo:populationTotal as I simply prefer it and use that to connect countries and their populations:

PREFIX dbr: <>
PREFIX dbp: <>
PREFIX dbo: <>
?country dbo:populationTotal ?pop
VALUES ?country {

?country dbp:populationCensus | dbo:populationTotal ?pop .

This query returns the countries and their populations like we saw in the previous section but then connects each country to their population with dbo:populationTotal as described in the CONSTRUCT clause. This returns consistent triples:

This is useful if we wish to store this data as the fact it’s consistent will help avoid the problems mentioned above. I used this technique in one of my previous articles so lets take a look.

Example From Reconciliation Tutorial

This example is copied directly from my data reconciliation tutorial here. In that article I discuss this query in a lot more detail.

In brief, what I was doing here was grabbing car manufacturer names from tabular data and enhancing that information to store and analyse.

PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX dbo: <>
PREFIX dbp: <>
?car rdfs:label ?taggedname ;
rdf:type dbo:Company ;
dbo:location ?location .

?location rdf:type dbo:Country ;
rdfs:label ?lname ;
dbp:populationCensus ?pop .
?c <urn:col:carNames> ?cname .

BIND(STRLANG(?cname, "en") AS ?taggedname)


?car rdfs:label ?taggedname ;
dbo:location | dbo:locationCountry ?location .

?location rdf:type dbo:Country ;
rdfs:label ?lname ;
dbp:populationCensus | dbo:populationTotal ?pop .

FILTER (LANG(?lname) = "en")

There is little point repeating myself here so if interested, please take a look. What I am trying to display here is that I have used both the alternative property path (twice!) and the CONSTRUCT clause previously in an example use-case.

Construct queries are perfectly suited to ensuring any data you store is well typed, structured and importantly consistent.

I have been short on time since starting my new project but I am still working on the benchmark in development.

Example From The Benchmark (Sneak Preview)

The benchmark repository is not yet public as I don’t want opinions to be formed before it is fleshed out a little more.

I thought it would be good however to give a real (not made for a tutorial) example query that uses what this article teaches:

PREFIX dbo: <>
PREFIX schema: <>
PREFIX dbp: <>
?city dbo:populationTotal ?pop
SELECT ?city (MAX(?apop) AS ?pop) {
?user schema:location ?city .

?city dbo:populationTotal | dbp:populationCensus ?apop .
GROUP BY ?city

You will notice that this does not contain the CONSTRUCT clause but INSERT instead. You will see me do this switch in both the articles I linked in the introduction. Basically this does nothing too different, the graph that is constructed is inserted into your knowledge graph instead of just returned. The same can be done with the DELETE clause to remove patterns from your knowledge graph.

This query is very similar to the examples throughout this article (by design of course) but grabs countries populations from DBpedia and inserts them into the graph. This is just one point within the query cycle at which the graph changes structure in the benchmark.

Finally, the MAX population is grabbed because some countries in DBpedia have two different populations attached to them…


Hopefully this is useful for some of you! We have covered why and how to use construct queries along with values and alternative property paths.

At the end of May I am going to the DBpedia community meeting in Leipzig so my next linked data article will likely cover things I learned at that event or progress on the benchmark development.

In the meantime I will be releasing my next Computer Vision article and another dive into natural conversation.

Constructing More Advanced SPARQL Queries was originally published in Wallscope on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.