R2ML Translators

R2ML Interchange Principle

Interchange Principle

  1. F-Logic

    F-Logic is a deductive, object oriented database language which combines the declarative semantics and expressiveness of deductive database languages with the rich data modeling capabilities supported by the object oriented data model. The bases for a logic programming language which use objects comes from the early 1986, when Maier, 1986 presents his "logic for objects", O-Logic which was then revisited in Kifer et Wu, 1989 and finalized with the J. of ACM paper of Kifer et al, 1995.

    1. R2ML to F-Logic (Run it!)

      The translator is based on the Ontoprise F-Logic tutorial. Read the white paper concerning the translation.

    2. F-Logic to R2ML


    3. R2ML to F-LogicXML

      The translator is based on the XML Schema provided in Brujin and Kifer, 2004. A white paper will be available.

    4. F-LogicXML to R2ML(Run it!)

      A white paper concerning our translation will be available.


    1. Jos de Bruijn, Michael Kifer, F-logic/XML - An XML Syntax for F-logic, WSMO Working Draft 24 March 2004.
    2. M. Kifer and J. Wu. A Logic for Object-Oriented Logic Programming (Maier's O-Logic Revisited). In Proc. of ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD-SIGART Symposium on Principles of Database Systems, March 1989, 379-383.
    3. M. Kifer, G. Lausen, and J. Wu. Logical foundations of object oriented and frame-based languages. Journal of the ACM, 42(4):741-843, 1995.
    4. D. Maier. A Logic for Objects. In: Preprints of Workshop on Foundations of Deductive Databases and Logic Programming, ed. Jack Minker, Washington DC, August 1986.
    5. Ontoprise GmbH, F-Logic Tutorial, July 2007.
  2. Jess

    Jess is a rule engine and scripting environment written entirely in Sun's Java language by Ernest Friedman-Hill at Sandia National Laboratories in Livermore, CA. Using Jess, you can build Java software that has the capacity to reason using knowledge you supply in the form of declarative rules. Jess is small, light, and one of the fastest rule engines available. Its powerful scripting language gives you access to all of Java's APIs.

    1. R2ML to Jess (Run it!)

    2. Jess to R2ML


    1. Jess Official Home Page, www.jessrules.com.
  3. RuleML

    The RuleML Initiative, started in August 2000 during the Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (PRICAI 2000). It has brought together expert teams from several countries, including leaders in Knowledge Representation and Markup Languages, from both academia and industry. The RuleML Initiative is developing an open, vendor neutral XML-based language for rule interchange.

    1. R2ML to RuleML (Run it!)

      This translator is based on RuleML version 0.9.

    2. RuleML to R2ML (Run it!)

      This translator is based on RuleML version 0.9. It was tested with the hornlog dialect od RuleML 0.9


    1. RuleML Official Home Page, www.ruleml.org.
    2. RuleML publications page.
    3. Adrian Giurca, and Gerd Wagner (2005). Towards an Abstract Syntax and Direct-Model Theoretic Semantics for RuleML, A. Adi et al. (Eds.): RuleML 2005, LNCS 3791, pp. 45-55, 2005.
  4. Jena Rules

    JenaRules includes a general purpose rule-based reasoner which is used to implement both the RDFS and OWL reasoners but is also available for general use. This reasoner supports rule-based inference over RDF graphs and provides forward chaining, backward chaining and a hybrid execution model. A rule set is simply a list of rules. The hybrid execution model allow forward chaining rules to invoke backward chaining rules. The forward rules work incrementally, including incrementally asserting or removing backward rules in response to the data changes. The hybrid execution makes available both forward chaining rules and backward chaining rules in the same session.

    1. R2ML to Jena Rules (Run it!)

    2. JenaRules to R2ML (Run it!)


    1. Jena 2 Inference Support.
    2. Dave Reynolds, Jena Rules (slides), Jena User Conference, May 10-11, 2006, Bristol, UK.
  5. JBoss Rules

    JBoss Rules is the supported and branded release of the Drools project. Drools is a Rules Engine implementation, ReteOO, based on Charles Forgy's Rete algorithm.

    1. R2ML to JBoss Rules (Run it!)

    2. JBoss Rules to R2ML


    1. JBoss Rules Project.
  6. SWRL

    Semantic Web Rule Language (SWRL) based on a combination of the OWL DL and OWL Lite sublanguages of the OWL Web Ontology Language with the Unary/Binary Datalog RuleML sublanguages of the Rule Markup Language.

    1. SWRL to R2ML (Run it!)

      The translator is implemented using ATL transformations. Check the SWRL2R2ML on ATL transformations page from Eclipse web site for the latest news and download.

    2. R2ML to SWRL (Run it!)

      The translator is implemented using ATL transformations. Check the R2ML2SWRL on ATL transformations page from Eclipse web site for the latest news and download.


    1. Ian Horrocks, Peter F. Patel-Schneider,Harold Boley, Said Tabet, Benjamin Grosof,Mike Dean, SWRL: A Semantic Web Rule Language Combining OWL and RuleML.
    2. Milan Milanovic, Dragan Gasevic, Adrian Giurca, Gerd Wagner and Vladan Devedzic (2006). On Interchanging Between OWL/SWRL and UML/OCL, In:Proc. of 6th OCL Workshop at the UML/MoDELS Conference, OCLApps2006, October 2, 2006, Genoa, Italy.
  7. OCL

    Object Constraint Language (OCL) is a formal language used to describe expressions on UML models. These expressions typically specify invariant conditions that must hold for the system being modeled or queries over objects described in a model. Note that when the OCL expressions are evaluated, they do not have side effects (i.e., their evaluation cannot alter the state of the corresponding executing system). OCL expressions can be used to specify operations / actions that, when executed, do alter the state of the system. UML modelers can use OCL to specify application-specific constraints in their models. UML modelers can also use OCL to specify queries on the UML model, which are completely programming language independent.

    1. OCL to R2ML (Run it!)

      The translator is implemented using ATL transformations. Check the OCL2R2ML on ATL transformations page from Eclipse web site for the latest news and download. Additional test examples are available.

    2. R2ML to OCL (Run it!)

      The translator is implemented using ATL transformations. Check the R2ML2OCL on ATL transformations page from Eclipse web site for the latest news and download. Additional test examples are available.

  8. XMI

    1. R2ML to XMI (Run it!)

  9. Oracle Business Rules

    Coming soon


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This page is maintained by Adrian Giurca. Last update March 14, 2007