Andrea Kulas, Sara Carro-Martínez, Tim Geisler:
Andrea Kulas (editor):
Awareness-Raising Campaign for REWERSE Research and Technologies in the European Industry.

Complete Text [
.pdf, 178KB]
In: (T-D1)

The goal of this report is to give an overview of the strategic considerations and planned activities for technology transfer for the Network of Excellence REWERSE. Important aspects for all promotional activities are the de nition of the target audience, the objectives behind the activities and the criteria for evaluating the success of the promotional strategy. The strategy itself is based on the so-called AIDA principle, which stands for creating Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action. It is important to keep in mind that while researchers are interested in the technologies themselves, the focus of companies is on the solutions o ered by the technologies. The task of technology transfer, therefore, lies in supporting the exchange between these two sides. To be able to produce the required solutions in REWERSE research it is essential to incorporate feedback from industry. For dissemination purposes of newly emerging technologies as in REWERSE the face-to-face channels and personal contacts such as networking play an important role. The rst awareness event is scheduled for the end of the year 2005 and an outline for this event is given. As presently all transfer activities are dependent on the content being delivered by the REWERSE members, awareness for technology-transfer activities has to be raised also within the REWERSE community.



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