Matteo Baldoni, Cristina Baroglio, Nicola Henze, Anna Goy, Diego Magro, Viviana Patti, Sara Carro-Martínez, M. Howard Williams, Matthew Montebello, Andrea Kulas:
Matteo Baldoni, Cristina Baroglio (editors):
Thread on Testbeds.

Complete Text [
.pdf, 396KB]
In: (A2-D2)

Abstract This deliverable presents a set of possible scenarios in which personalization plays a fundamental role in the Semantic Web. These scenarios have been collected with the contribution of many partners of the working group A3, and have then been analysed with two aims. First of all, we have identified the key concepts of personalization scenarios, and subsequently we have analysed the currently available tools and languages supplied by the (Semantic) Web in order to define a set of requirements to be passed to the other working groups of the network.



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