Nicola Henze, Robert Baumgartner, Tim Geisler, Georg Gottlob, Andrea Kulas, Wolfgang Nejdl, Heribert Schütz:
Nicola Henze (editor):
Personalized Portal for REWERSE.

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In: (A3-D3)

This reports documents the achievement of working group A3 - ?Personalized Information Systems? to design and develop a Personalized Portal for REWERSE. We have collected scenarios for a Personalized Portal for REWERSE - the REWERSE-PP, from which we derived a concept for the REWERSE-PP, and for appropriate user modeling. To realize the REWERSE-PP, our first task was to create and populate an Ontology for the REWERSE project. Based on this ontology, we realized a first prototype for demonstrating the functionality of the REWERSEPP: The Personal Publication Reader. The REWERSE-PP serves as a use-case for the REWERSE project. During the first development period, we derived requirements for reasoning and rule-languages for the Semantic Web on which we report in a Lessons Learnt section. The REWERSE-PP is already employed as a use case for ECA rules in working group I5 (see deliverable I5-D2/D3).



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