Gerd Wagner, Adrian Giurca, Sergey Lukichev, Oana Nicolae, Mircea Diaconescu:
Sergey Lukichev (editor):
Case Study 1.

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In: (I1-D9)

In this report we describe the use of methods, tools and technologies, developed by the Working Group I1 for modeling and implementing UServ Case Study. The case study consists of a domain model and a set of business rules, which govern business of a car insurance company. We use Strelka tool to model the business domain, business rules, and to serialize rule models into R2ML. We share our experience with two rule platforms: JBoss Rules and Jena 2 and explain how executable code for these platforms can be generated using R2ML translators. In addition, we provide the (English) human readable output of the R2ML verbalizer for each rule in order to check its correctness against intended meaning.



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