Norbert E. Fuchs, Kaarel Kaljurand, Tobias Kuhn:
Norbert E. Fuchs (editor):
Attempto Controlled English 5: Language Extensions and Tools II.

Complete Text [
.pdf, 1.09MB]
In: (I2-D11)

This report presents several tracks of research on Attempto Controlled English (ACE). First, we present the imperative mood as a new feature of version 5 of ACE. Second, we introduce an alternative simplified DRS representation of ACE texts. Third, we discuss aspects of the logical embedding of ACE. Fourth, we describe the verbalisation of OWL in ACE. Fifth, we present an enhanced version of AceRules, the implementation of rules expressed in ACE. Sixth, we describe enhancements to the Attempto services. Seventh, we list our cooperations.



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