Norbert E. Fuchs, Kaarel Kaljurand, Tobias Kuhn:
Norbert E. Fuchs (editor):
Reasoning, Rules and Semantic Wikis.

Complete Text [
.pdf, 729KB]
In: (I2-D13)

This report describes several tracks of research on Attempto Controlled English (ACE). First, we present the extensions of ACE and its tools in versions 5.5 and 6. Second, we elaborate on data structures and operations in ACE 6. Third, we introduce AceWiki. Fourth, we describe the ACE view plug-in for the Protégé OWL editor. Fifth, we present on-going work on the Attempto reasoner RACE. Sixth, we summarise updates on AceRules and on DRACE. Seventh, we list cooperations and visits.



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