Heriot-Watt University



(run part-time from October 1970)


At the moment the vast majority of graduates entering commerce and industry in the computer field are qualified in subjects other than Computer Science. It therefore follows that there is a need for an M.Sc, course in Computer Science designed primarily for candidates with good honours degrees in Mathematics, Statistics, Physics, Engineering etc.. The proposed course, of duration one calendar year, caters for this type of individual. It is not intended for graduates in Computer Science who will normally take the degree by research.


The contents of the course work include compulsory studies of Computer Organisation, Information Structures, Programming Languages and Computing Systems, together with optional studies of several specialisations. The special subjects are divided into two groups. The subjects in the first group are examinable and are studied to a greater depth than those in the second non-examinable group.


The four compulsory subjects and the optional examinable subject are studied during the first two terms. This part of the course work is the subject of examination at the end of the second term. Three optional non-examinable subjects are studied during the third term. A dissertation on a topic in Computer Science is written during the second and third terms. (The subject of the dissertation and the nature of the optional subjects will be chosen in consultation with the Head of Department). The degree is awarded on the results of five examinations and the assessment of the dissertation.




A       Compulsory Examinable Subjects


A1.    Computer Organisation                                                 (30 hours)

A2.    Programming Languages                                               (40 hours)

A3.    Data Structures                                                             (20 hours)

A4.    Computing Systems                                                       (25 hours)


B       Optional Examinable Subjects (One to be chosen) each         (20 hours)


Each subject within this group represents a major topic within the field of Computer Science. It is for this reason that each student is required to select one of these for particular study.


B1.    Numerical Methods

B2.    Information Retrieval

B3.    Simulation and Control

B4.    Business Data processing

B5.    Programming Theory

B6.    Digital Techniques


C       Optional Non-examinable Subjects  each                               (10 hours)


The subjects within this group fall into two categories. The first category comprises the same list of topics as are presented in group B. The second category introduces subjects of greater specialisation. Each student is expected to broaden his knowledge of the major topics by selecting a further subject from that category, while exploring the specialisations by choosing two subjects from the second category, i.e. three subjects from this group to be studied; one chosen from category 1 (and different from the examinable subject chosen from group B), and two chosen from category 2.


C1.    Numerical Methods                                   )

C2.    Information Retrieval                                )

C3.    Simulation and Control                            )          Category 1

C4.    Business Data Processing                        )

C5.    Programming Theory                                 )

C6.    Digital Techniques                                    )

C7.    Computer Graphics                                  )

C8.    Symbol Manipulation                                )

C9.    Techniques of Operations Research         )          Category 2

C10   Algebraic Machine Theory                        )

C11   Computer Logic and Design                      )

C12   Heuristic Programming                             )

Part-time Study

It is anticipated that there will be demand for part-time study leading to the M. Sc. Degree over a period of two years. This can be accommodated within the above structure by allowing a student to pursue two of the compulsory examinable subjects in each year together with two of the optional subjects. The student would be expected to attend for one whole day per week and one evening.


It is estimated that one/two additional members of staff will be required for the course.

Course Fees

It is suggested that the following fees should be charged for the course:




Tuition Fee

£ 75

£ 40

Special Facilities Fee



Students Association Fee

£ 10

£ 5



Copied from the Senate Minutes of  4.11.69, Appendix A