Title: Refinement calculus & Martin-Lof type theory Abstract: "The refinement calculus [of Back, von Wright et al.] is an elegant quasi-algebraic formalism for refining imperative specifications to executable programs. The standard interpretation of its "contract" expressions is as predicate transformers acting on predicates over a state-space; it is usually given in classical, impredicative higher order logic. ML type theory is a family of type theories based on the idea that proofs and effective constructions are programs, propositions are types, and predicates are data-dependent types. It supports inductive definitions and reflection principles of various kinds, but is entirely constructive and predicative. The talk concerns a straightforward interpretation of contract expressions as certain data structures in Martin-Lof type theory. The structures were first described by Petersson and Synek, and are dependent types par excellence; these can be used to effectively model imperative, command-response interfaces. This suggests, modulo some foundational issues in ML TT connected with coinduction and singleton predicates, a logical form for specifications of both client-side "transaction" programs (that terminate), as well as server programs (that run forever)."