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The Formaliser Library


When you run formaliser two windows appear. One is the Messages Window and contains a list of messages produced by the program when it is running. The other is the Library Window it contains the current grammar being used and a list of Formaliser documents currently loaded into the Library and that are available for editing/viewing. Note - the grammar should always be set as Z2 Grammar.

When the program is first run there will be a list of files already present, most of which will begin with Z2 Toolkit... these are necessary for entering specifications as they define many of the operators that will be used and so must not be altered. There is also one example specification file for a video shop.

Creating a new document - From the "File" menu select "New...". You will firstly be prompted to enter a library name for this document, this is what will identify the document in the library window. You will then be prompted to enter a disc file name, this will be the name of the file stored in the "Z2" directory.

Adding a document to the library - From the "File" menu select "Load...". You can then select the file you wish to add. Once loaded the file will appear in the library list.

Editing/Viewing a document - Highlight the document you wish to edit/view. To open up this document you can either double click on it or, from the "File" menu select "Open". This will open up the editor window with the desired document.

Making a file backup - Highlight the document you wish to make a backup copy of. From the "File" menu select "Copy...". You will be prompted for a new name for the backup file.

Removing a document from the library - Highlight the document you wish to unload. From the "File" menu select "Unload". This will remove the document from the library but the file will still be present on the disc and can be reloaded at any time.

Deleting a file - Highlight the document you wish to delete. From the "File" menu select "Delete". This removes the document from the library AND deletes the file from disc.

Renaming a document - Highlight the document you wish to rename. From the "File" menu select "Rename..". You will be prompted for the new name of the document. Note - this only affects the document name in the library window, the disc file name will remain unchanged.

Getting information about a document - Highlight the document you wish to query. From the "File" menu select "Info". This will display the disc file name of the document, its size and when it was last modified.