Welcome to the Contraflow Group!

We develop mathematical models to explain some puzzling behaviour in fluid mechanics (see Research). Our research group is based at the Maxwell Institute at Heriot-Watt University. We investigate problems in fluid mechanics where the flows defy intuition. We aim to explain these flow phenomena using rigorous mathematical methods and exploit their mechanisms for technological applications.

We are looking for passionate new PhD students, Postdocs, and Master’s students to join the team (more info) !


1. October 2021

Ibrahim will join us in September to do a PhD on the dispersion of droplets, supported by a PTDF scholarship -- welcome Ibrahim!

30. September 2021

Cathal gave a public lecture entitled "How Mathematics Uncovered the Dandelion’s Halo" for Maths Week Scotland; you can catch a recording of it here.

1. September 2021

Benjian will join us in September to do a PhD on renewable energy, supported by a CSC scholarship -- welcome Benjian!

10. June 2021

Cathal won the PRIME Pioneer Award for his work on COVID-19.

24. May 2021

Cathal was invited to give a talk at the 7th Micro and Nano Flows Conference 2021 for his work on droplet dispersion.

15. February 2021

Cathal won a small grant from CENSIS to develop sensors capable of detecting aersol in dentist surgeries.

12. February 2021

Cathal was nominated for a Royal Society of Edinburgh Early Career Medal for his work on COVID-19.

12. December 2020

Cathal was nominated for the Felix-Klein medal for his work with industry.

10. July 2020

Cathal's article in Physics of Fluids was selected as a feature.

... see all News