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Research Interests
My research areas are optimal transport theory, the calculus of variations, and applied analysis. In the last few years one of my main interests has been semi-discrete optimal transport theory and its applications to materials science (geometric modelling of polycrystalline microstructures), weather modelling (the semi-geostrophic equations), pattern formation (crystallization), and optimal quantization.
Selected Publications
- Bourne, D.P., Schmitzer, B. & Wirth, B. (2024)
Semi-discrete unbalanced optimal transport and quantization, arXiv:1808.01962.
Bourne, D.P., Pearce, M. & Roper, S.M. (2024) Inverting Laguerre tessellations: Recovering tessellations from the volumes and centroids of their cells using optimal transport, arXiv:2406.00871. PDF software
- Buze, M., Feydy, J., Roper, S.M., Sedighiani K. & Bourne, D.P. (2024) Anisotropic power diagrams for polycrystal modelling: Efficient generation of curved grains via optimal transport, Computational Materials Science 245, 113317. PDF software
Bourne, D.P., Pearce, M. & Roper, S.M. (2023) Geometric modelling of polycrystalline materials: Laguerre tessellations and periodic semi-discrete optimal transport,
Mechanics Research Communications 127, 104023. PDF
Egan, C.P., Bourne, D.P., Cotter, C.J., Cullen, M.J.P., Pelloni, B., Roper, S.M. & Wilkinson, M. (2022)
A new implementation of the geometric method
for solving the Eady slice equations,
Journal of Computational Physics 469, 111542. PDF
Bourne, D.P., Egan, C.P., Pelloni, B. & Wilkinson, M. (2022)
Semi-discrete optimal transport methods for the semi-geostrophic equations,
Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations, 61, 39. PDF
Bourne, D.P. & Cristoferi, R. (2021) Asymptotic optimality of the triangular lattice for a class of optimal location problems,
Communications in Mathematical Physics, 387, 1549-1602. PDF
Bourne, D.P., Kok, P.J.J., Roper, S.M. & Spanjer, W.D.T. (2020)
Laguerre tessellations and polycrystalline microstructures: A fast algorithm for generating grains of given volumes,
Philosophical Magazine, 100, 2677-2707. PDF
- Bourne, D.P., Cushing, D., Liu, S., Münch F. & Peyerimhoff, N. (2018)
Ollivier-Ricci idleness functions of graphs. SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, 32, 1408-1424.
- Bourne, D.P., Conti, S. & Müller, S. (2017) Energy bounds for a compressed elastic film on a
substrate. Journal of Nonlinear Science, 27, 453-494.
- Bourne, D.P. & Roper, S.M. (2015) Centroidal power diagrams, Lloyd's algorithm and applications to optimal location problems. SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, 53, 2545-2569. PDF
- Bourne, D.P., Peletier, M.A. & Roper, S.M. (2014) Hexagonal patterns in a simplified model for block copolymers. SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 74, 1315-1337. PDF
- Bourne, D.P., Peletier, M.A. & Theil, F. (2014) Optimality of the triangular lattice for a particle system with Wasserstein interaction.
Communications in Mathematical Physics, 329, 117-140.
Full list
EPSRC grant EP/V00204X/1
Mathematical Theory of Polycrystalline Materials, £576,848, 1 April 2021 - 31 March 2025, Co-I (with John Ball PI and Lucia Scardia Co-I)
EPSRC First grant EP/R013527/1,
EP/R013527/2 Designer Microstructure via Optimal Transport Theory, £101,152, 1 Jan 2018 - 31 May 2020, PI
- Maciej Buze (co-supervised with John Ball, Lucia Scardia & Steven Roper, funded by EP/V00204X/1, Feb 2023 -)
- Charlie Egan (co-supervised with Beatrice Pelloni, funded by a Maxwell Institute Research Fellowship, Nov 2022 - Oct 2023)
- Myrto Galanopoulou (co-supervised with John Ball & Lucia Scardia, funded by EP/V00204X/1, Sept 2021 - Oct 2023)
- Riccardo Cristoferi (funded by Heriot-Watt University and EP/R013527/2, Oct 2018 - July 2020)
- David Cushing (co-supervised with Norbert Peyerimhoff, funded by an EPSRC Doctoral Prize, Durham University, Jan 2017 - May 2018)
PhD students:
- Théo Lavier (co-supervised with Beatrice Pelloni, funded by the Maxwell Institute Graduate School in Mathematical Modelling, Analysis and Computation, Sept 2021 -)
- Mason Pearce (co-supervised with Steven Roper, funded by the Maxwell Institute Graduate School in Mathematical Modelling, Analysis and Computation, Sept 2019 - July 2024)
- Charlie Egan (co-supervised with Beatrice Pelloni and Mark Wilkinson, funded by the Maxwell Institute Graduate School in Analysis & its Applications, Sept 2018 - Oct 2022)
Collaboration with Tata Steel
I have an ongoing collaboration with Tata Steel Europe.
In particular I work with the Plasticity & Tribology Knowldge Group based in IJmuiden, which is part of the Application & Engineering (R&D) department.
You can find out more about our work here:
- Buze, M., Feydy, J., Roper, S.M., Sedighiani K. & Bourne, D.P. (2024) Anisotropic power diagrams for polycrystal modelling: efficient generation of curved grains via optimal transport, arXiv:2403.03571. PDF software
Bourne, D.P., Pearce, M. & Roper, S.M. (2023) Geometric modelling of polycrystalline materials: Laguerre tessellations and periodic semi-discrete optimal transport,
Mechanics Research Communications 127, 104023. PDF
Bourne, D.P., Kok, P.J.J., Roper, S.M. & Spanjer, W.D.T. (2020)
Laguerre tessellations and polycrystalline microstructures: A fast algorithm for generating grains of given volumes,
Philosophical Magazine, 100, 2677-2707. PDF
Watch my seminar
on an application of optimal transport theory in the steel industry at the workshop
Mathematical design of new materials, 11-15 March 2019: