Council election 2007     East Ayrshire     Cumnock and New Cumnock

Elected:      Eric Ross (Lab),  Billy Crawford (Lab),  Barney Menzies (Lab),  Kathy Morrice (SNP)

Show transfers
Count stage     
(uses WIG STV - switch to Meek version )

name                     stage1  stage2  stage3  stage4  stage5  stage6
  Boswell, James (Con)      519  524.37  536.37  536.88  536.95    0.00
  Crawford, Billy (Lab)     961 1059.74 1088.88 1065.00 1065.00 1065.00
  Kent, Andrew (SNP)        661  664.40  696.94  698.22  698.28  815.81
  Menzies, Barney (Lab)     950 1026.38 1049.99 1066.06 1065.00 1065.00
  Monaghan, Jim (Sol)       200  205.90    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00
  Morrice, Kathy (SNP)      733  744.09  809.98  810.66  810.79  898.43
  Ross, Eric (Lab)         1297 1065.00 1065.00 1065.00 1065.00 1065.00
  non-transferable            0   31.13   73.84   79.19   79.98  411.76

Electorate 11057, votes 5475 (turnout 49.52%); valid votes 5321,  quota = 1065

Vote data file:  Cumnock_and_New_Cumnock.dat