Council election 2007     East Ayrshire     Kilmarnock East and Hurlford

Elected:      John Campbell (SNP),  Jim Buchanan (SNP),  Drew McIntyre (Lab),  Gordon Cree (Lab)

Show transfers
Count stage     
(uses WIG STV - switch to Meek version )

name                    stage1 stage2 stage3  stage4  stage5  stage6
  Buchanan, Jim (SNP)     1269   1269   1313 1300.00 1300.00 1300.00
  Campbell, John (SNP)    1300   1300   1300 1300.00 1300.00 1300.00
  Cree, Gordon (Lab)       970    970    977  978.43 1031.60 1110.94
  Grant, Ian (Con)         502    502    505  506.50  574.82    0.00
  McIntyre, Drew (Lab)    1031   1031   1039 1039.82 1077.89 1141.02
  Raymond, Jim (Lab)       924    924    947  947.60  974.72 1014.90
  Walker, Gordon (Sol)     151    151      0    0.00    0.00    0.00
  Weir, John (Ind)         350    350    378  380.09    0.00    0.00
  non-transferable           0      0     38   44.56  237.96  630.14

Electorate 11568, votes 6645 (turnout 57.44%); valid votes 6497,  quota = 1300

Vote data file:  Kilmarnock_East_and_Hurlford.dat