Council election 2007     East Ayrshire     Kilmarnock West and Crosshouse

Elected:      Iain Linton (SNP),  Douglas Reid (SNP),  Robert Keohane (Lab),  Tom Cook (Con)

Show transfers
Count stage     
(uses WIG STV - switch to Meek version )

name                        stage1  stage2  stage3  stage4 stage5
  Cook, Tom (Con)             1118 1188.41 1209.49 1209.89 1308.1
  Keohane, Robert (Lab)       1280 1315.21 1330.71 1319.00 1319.0
  Linton, Iain (SNP)          1656 1319.00 1319.00 1319.00 1319.0
  Reeves, Brian (Lab)          866  901.82  917.23  925.71  978.6
  Reid, Douglas (SNP)         1454 1454.00 1319.00 1319.00 1319.0
  Weir, Shirley-Anne (Ind)     220  263.35  280.99  281.31    0.0
  non-transferable               0  152.22  217.59  220.09  350.3

Electorate 11833, votes 6776 (turnout 57.26%); valid votes 6594,  quota = 1319

Vote data file:  Kilmarnock_West_and_Crosshouse.dat