Council election 2012     Aberdeenshire     Banff and District

Elected:      John B COX (SNP),  Ian GRAY (SNP),  Mike ROY (Con)

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Count stage     
(uses WIG STV - switch to Meek version )

name                             stage1 stage2 stage3 stage4
  COX, John B (SNP)                1037 830.00 830.00 830.00
  GRAY, Ian (SNP)                   803 959.69 830.00 830.00
  MASON, Alistair Francis (SLD)     369 377.78 405.80 508.55
  MURRAY, Colin (SC)                342 350.38 375.35   0.00
  ROY, Mike (Con)                   768 780.38 793.45 880.31
  non-transferable                    0  20.76  84.40 270.13

Valid votes 3319,  quota = 830

Vote data file:  Banff_and_District.dat