Council election 2012     Angus     Forfar and District

Elected:      Lynne DEVINE (SNP),  Glennis MIDDLETON (SNP),  Colin BROWN (Ind),  Ian MCLAREN (Ind)

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Count stage     
(uses WIG STV - switch to Meek version )

name                        stage1 stage2 stage3 stage4  stage5
  BROWN, Charlie (Ind)         357 367.02 369.25 383.98    0.00
  BROWN, Colin (Ind)           787 798.25 802.39 820.91 1050.38
  DEVINE, Lynne (SNP)          986 905.00 905.00 905.00  905.00
  MCLAREN, Ian (Ind)           841 855.46 859.55 890.25  972.03
  MIDDLETON, Glennis (SNP)     928 928.00 905.00 905.00  905.00
  RYMER, John (Con)            487 490.20 491.07 526.63  546.07
  SIMPSON, Avril (SLD)         137 141.44 142.55   0.00    0.00
  non-transferable               0  37.62  48.19  91.24  144.53

Valid votes 4523,  quota = 905

Vote data file:  Forfar_and_District.dat