Council election 2012     Argyll and Bute     Helensburgh Central

Elected:      Vivien DANCE (Ind),  James ROBB (SNP),  Gary MULVANEY (Con),  Aileen MORTON (SLD)

Show transfers
Count stage     
(uses WIG STV - switch to Meek version )

name                               stage1
  ALLAN, David Alastair (Ind)         382
  DANCE, Vivien (Ind)                 749
  HUMPHREY, Richard William (Ind)     129
  MORTON, Aileen (SLD)                665
  MULVANEY, Gary (Con)                673
  ROBB, James (SNP)                   687
  non-transferable                      0

Valid votes 3285,  quota = 658

Vote data file:  Helensburgh_Central.dat