Council election 2012     Argyll and Bute     Helensburgh and Lomond South

Elected:      Ellen MORTON (SLD),  Richard TRAIL (SNP),  David KINNIBURGH (Con)

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Count stage     
(uses WIG STV - switch to Meek version )

name                       stage1 stage2 stage3
  KINNIBURGH, David (Con)     558 582.25 584.64
  MORTON, Ellen (SLD)         895 585.00 585.00
  NISBET, Andrew (SLD)        300 548.34 555.85
  TRAIL, Richard (SNP)        584 603.74 585.00
  non-transferable              0  17.67  26.52

Valid votes 2337,  quota = 585

Vote data file:  Helensburgh_and_Lomond_South.dat