Council election 2012     Argyll and Bute     Mid Argyll

Elected:      Douglas Trevor PHILAND (Ind),  Sandy TAYLOR (SNP),  Donnie MACMILLAN (Ind)

Show transfers
Count stage     
(uses WIG STV - switch to Meek version )

name                             stage1 stage2 stage3 stage4 stage5
  HANBURY, Charlotte (Con)          174 190.72 193.58   0.00   0.00
  HAY, Alison Jean (SLD)            312 387.24 401.17 483.42 528.51
  MACMILLAN, Donnie (Ind)           409 518.72 543.58 598.68 678.00
  PHILAND, Douglas Trevor (Ind)    1111 724.00 724.00 724.00 724.00
  REYNOLDS, Wendy (Lab)             174 209.18 222.90 231.96   0.00
  TAYLOR, Sandy (SNP)               712 811.62 724.00 724.00 724.00
  non-transferable                    0  50.51  82.77 129.93 237.50

Valid votes 2892,  quota = 724

Vote data file:  Mid_Argyll.dat