Council election 2012     Argyll and Bute     Oban South and the Isles

Elected:      Mary-Jean DEVON (SNP),  Roddy MCCUISH (SNP),  Alistair MACDOUGALL (Ind),  Fred HALL (SNP)

Show transfers
Count stage     
(uses WIG STV - switch to Meek version )

name                          stage1 stage2 stage3 stage4 stage5 stage6 stage7
  CHALMERS, Gordon (Ind)         269 305.09 307.15 329.71 370.52 386.25   0.00
  DEVON, Mary-Jean (SNP)         830 674.00 674.00 674.00 674.00 674.00 674.00
  HALL, Fred (SNP)               349 408.58 461.57 475.23 489.65 523.15 569.01
  HAWKE, Michael (Con)           191 194.01 196.43 252.17   0.00   0.00   0.00
  KANES, Graham (SLD)            184 189.45 191.63   0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00
  MACDOUGALL, Alistair (Ind)     281 305.43 307.86 333.80 373.42 406.04 580.87
  MACINTYRE, Neil (Ind)          257 260.38 273.96 291.08 327.45 442.73 483.67
  MACINTYRE, Sean (Ind)          237 239.82 248.43 266.74 283.86   0.00   0.00
  MCCUISH, Roddy (SNP)           767 767.00 674.00 674.00 674.00 674.00 674.00
  non-transferable                 0  21.24  29.97  68.26 172.11 258.84 383.46

Valid votes 3365,  quota = 674

Vote data file:  Oban_South_and_the_Isles.dat