Council election 2012     Dumfries and Galloway     Mid and Upper Nithsdale

Elected:      Jim DEMPSTER (Lab),  Gill DYKES (Con),  John SYME (Lab),  Andrew WOOD (SNP)

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Count stage     
(uses WIG STV - switch to Meek version )

name                       stage1  stage2
  DEMPSTER, Jim (Lab)        1194  870.00
  DYKES, Gill (Con)          1154 1154.00
  HURREN, Elly (Con)           81   88.33
  SYME, John (Lab)            830 1098.64
  WATTERS, Douglas (UKIP)     198  209.13
  WOOD, Andrew (SNP)          892  892.00
  non-transferable              0   36.91

Valid votes 4349,  quota = 870

Vote data file:  Mid_and_Upper_Nithsdale.dat