Council election 2012     Dumfries and Galloway     Nith

Elected:      John MARTIN (Lab),  Colin SMYTH (Lab),  Alastair WITTS (SNP),  Jack GROOM (Con)

Show transfers
Count stage     
(uses WIG STV - switch to Meek version )

name                       stage1  stage2 stage3 stage4 stage5 stage6 stage7
  CROSBIE, Andrew (Ind)       348  352.79 376.18 391.62 430.43 435.16 514.13
  GROOM, Jack (Con)           652  657.47 669.45 675.80 687.67 689.81 900.89
  MARTIN, John (Lab)         1079  833.00 833.00 833.00 833.00 833.00 833.00
  PAOLETTI, Nello (Ind)        91   93.05 103.05 108.31   0.00   0.00   0.00
  SLATER, David (Con)         356  361.02 366.54 369.54 382.58 383.77   0.00
  SMYTH, Colin (Lab)          799 1010.34 833.00 833.00 833.00 833.00 833.00
  VANN-WAKELIN, Lee (Ind)      52   53.60  59.81   0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00
  WITTS, Alastair (SNP)       784  789.70 822.04 830.25 851.01 833.00 833.00
  non-transferable              0   10.04  97.94 119.48 143.32 153.26 246.98

Valid votes 4161,  quota = 833

Vote data file:  Nith.dat