Council election 2012     Dumfries and Galloway     North West Dumfries

Elected:      Ronnie NICHOLSON (Lab),  Graham BELL (Con),  David MCKIE (Lab),  Andy FERGUSON (SNP)

Show transfers
Count stage     
(uses WIG STV - switch to Meek version )

name                       stage1 stage2 stage3 stage4
  BELL, Graham (Con)          899 899.00 802.00 802.00
  FERGUSON, Andy (SNP)        739 746.11 768.55 773.24
  MCKIE, David (Lab)          857 857.00 857.00 802.00
  NICHOLSON, Ronnie (Lab)     932 802.00 802.00 802.00
  STEVENSON, Paula (Lab)      581 690.07 702.16 746.63
  non-transferable              0  13.81  76.29  82.13

Valid votes 4008,  quota = 802

Vote data file:  North_West_Dumfries.dat