Council election 2012     Dumfries and Galloway     Stranraer and North Rhins

Elected:      Willie SCOBIE (Ind),  Marion MCCUTCHEON (Lab),  Iain DICK (SNP)

Show transfers
Count stage     
(uses WIG STV - switch to Meek version )

name                        stage1 stage2
  DICK, Iain (SNP)             450 678.83
  DOUGAN, John (Con)           497 643.98
  MCCUTCHEON, Marion (Lab)     306 679.42
  SCOBIE, Willie (Ind)        2057 828.00
  non-transferable               0 479.77

Valid votes 3310,  quota = 828

Vote data file:  Stranraer_and_North_Rhins.dat