Council election 2012     East Renfrewshire     Giffnock and Thornliebank

Elected:      Jim FLETCHER (Lab),  Gordon WALLACE (Con),  Vincent WATERS (SNP)

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Count stage     
(uses WIG STV - switch to Meek version )

name                     stage1  stage2  stage3
  FLETCHER, Jim (Lab)      1935 1362.00 1362.00
  MACKIE, Alex (SLD)        620  747.33    0.00
  MOORE, Hugh (Ind)         645  751.31  993.95
  WALLACE, Gordon (Con)    1163 1207.42 1397.74
  WATERS, Vincent (SNP)    1083 1208.85 1374.50
  non-transferable            0  169.09  317.81

Valid votes 5446,  quota = 1362

Vote data file:  Giffnock_and_Thornliebank.dat