Council election 2012     Fife     Glenrothes North, Leslie and Markinch

Elected:      William KAY (Lab),  Fiona GRANT (SNP),  Kay MORRISON (Lab),  John BEARE (SNP)

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Count stage     
(uses WIG STV - switch to Meek version )

name                                stage1  stage2  stage3  stage4  stage5  stage6  stage7
  BEARE, John (SNP)                    946  949.84 1021.61 1024.01 1031.21 1060.53 1106.66
  GRANT, Fiona (SNP)                  1193 1193.00 1068.00 1068.00 1068.00 1068.00 1068.00
  KAY, William (Lab)                  1253 1068.00 1068.00 1068.00 1068.00 1068.00 1068.00
  MARWICK, Steven (SNP)                397  399.07  430.92  432.07  437.54  465.32  496.21
  MORRISON, Kay (Lab)                  930 1090.78 1090.78 1068.00 1068.00 1068.00 1068.00
  PARKER, Jim (SSC)                    226  231.61  238.00  243.04  265.83    0.00    0.00
  SMITH, Allan David Stewart (Con)     310  312.81  315.53  316.83  344.80  411.79    0.00
  STEEL, Michael (SLD)                  82   83.92   84.86   86.53    0.00    0.00    0.00
  non-transferable                       0    7.98   19.30   30.53   53.63  195.36  530.13

Valid votes 5337,  quota = 1068

Vote data file:  Glenrothes_North,_Leslie_and_Markinch.dat