Council election 2012     Renfrewshire     Bishopton, Bridge of Weir and Langbank

Elected:      Mike HOLMES (Lab),  James Wyatt Hale MACLAREN (Con),  Maria BROWN (SNP)

Show transfers
Count stage     
(uses WIG STV - switch to Meek version )

name                                stage1
  BROWN, Maria (SNP)                  1170
  DYMOND, Margaret (SNP)               294
  HERON, Martin (SLD)                  173
  HOLMES, Mike (Lab)                  1277
  MACLAREN, James Wyatt Hale (Con)    1231
  VALE, Warren (TUSC)                   63
  non-transferable                       0

Valid votes 4208,  quota = 1053

Vote data file:  Bishopton,_Bridge_of_Weir_and_Langbank.dat