Council election 2012     Renfrewshire     Houston, Crosslee and Linwood

Elected:      Stuart CLARK (Lab),  Anne HALL (Lab),  Allan NOON (SNP),  Audrey DOIG (SNP)

Show transfers
Count stage     
(uses WIG STV - switch to Meek version )

name                        stage1  stage2  stage3  stage4  stage5
  BEGG, Tom (Con)              597  633.87  643.30  654.54  700.97
  CLARK, Stuart (Lab)         1454 1011.00 1011.00 1011.00 1011.00
  DOIG, Audrey (SNP)           755  801.31  835.49  847.48  869.99
  HALL, Anne (Lab)            1230 1230.00 1011.00 1011.00 1011.00
  HERON, Allan (SLD)            93  124.99  135.67  153.12    0.00
  NOON, Allan (SNP)            865  923.19  936.37  954.14  985.21
  WILLIAMSON, Danny (TUSC)      59   92.51  107.11    0.00    0.00
  non-transferable               0  236.13  373.05  421.73  474.83

Valid votes 5053,  quota = 1011

Vote data file:  Houston,_Crosslee_and_Linwood.dat