Council election 2012     Renfrewshire     Johnstone South, Elderslie and Howwood

Elected:      Iain MCMILLAN (Lab),  John CALDWELL (Lab),  John HOOD (Lab),  Stephen MCGEE (SNP)

Show transfers
Count stage     
(uses WIG STV - switch to Meek version )

name                           stage1  stage2  stage3  stage4  stage5  stage6  stage7
  CALDWELL, John (Lab)           1300 1300.00 1103.00 1103.00 1103.00 1103.00 1103.00
  HOOD, John (Lab)                823 1032.46 1194.15 1103.00 1103.00 1103.00 1103.00
  MCCARTNEY, Gerry (SSP)          131  134.98  141.04  147.92  156.39    0.00    0.00
  MCGEE, Stephen (SNP)            753  758.88  764.18  769.97  779.26  800.47  860.87
  MCGEE, Tracie (SNP)             657  668.94  672.58  677.54  693.45  711.98  762.85
  MCINTYRE, John Duncan (Con)     372  374.65  377.08  380.40  419.07  440.50    0.00
  MCMILLAN, Iain (Lab)           1361 1103.00 1103.00 1103.00 1103.00 1103.00 1103.00
  MORRISON, Ryan (SLD)            113  115.65  117.78  121.14    0.00    0.00    0.00
  non-transferable                  0   21.43   37.20  104.04  152.83  248.05  577.29

Valid votes 5510,  quota = 1103

Vote data file:  Johnstone_South,_Elderslie_and_Howwood.dat