Council election 2012     South Ayrshire     Maybole, North Carrick and Coylton

Elected:      Brian CONNOLLY (Ind),  Sandra GOLDIE (Lab),  Ann GALBRAITH (Con),  William James GRANT (SNP)

Show transfers
Count stage     
(uses WIG STV - switch to Meek version )

name                          stage1 stage2
  CONNOLLY, Brian (Ind)         1100 862.00
  GALBRAITH, Ann (Con)           916 916.00
  GOLDIE, Sandra (Lab)           986 986.00
  GRANT, William James (SNP)     810 894.16
  LOW, Mairi (SNP)               493 527.40
  non-transferable                 0 119.43

Valid votes 4305,  quota = 862

Vote data file:  Maybole,_North_Carrick_and_Coylton.dat