Council election 2012 (Meek STV version)     Argyll and Bute     South Kintyre

Elected:      Donald KELLY (Con),  Rory COLVILLE (SLD),  John SEMPLE (SNP)

Show transfers
Count stage     
(Meek version - switch to actual count (WIG STV) )

name                        stage1 stage2 stage3 stage4 stage5
  BAIRD, Anne (SNP)            203  217.4  225.0  234.8  236.6
  COLVILLE, Rory (SLD)         351  528.7  546.9  592.2  566.6
  GRAHAM, Robert (Ind)         167  225.1  250.9  320.9  326.6
  HENDERSON, Deirdre (Ind)      63   86.5    0.0    0.0    0.0
  KELLY, Donald (Con)         1133  588.8  585.1  569.7  566.6
  RAHMAN, George (Ind)         138  195.6  208.7    0.0    0.0
  SEMPLE, John (SNP)           415  512.5  523.7  561.1  569.8
  non-transferable               0  115.3  129.6  191.3  203.8

Valid votes 2470,  initial quota = 617.5, final quota = 566.5

Vote data file:  South_Kintyre.dat