Council election 2012 (Meek STV version)     Dumfries and Galloway     Wigtown West

Elected:      Grahame FORSTER (Ind),  Jim MCCLUNG (SNP),  Roberta TUCKFIELD (Con)

Show transfers
Count stage     
(Meek version - switch to actual count (WIG STV) )

name                        stage1 stage2
  FORSTER, Grahame (Ind)      1330  655.2
  MCCLUNG, Jim (SNP)           741  655.2
  MCCUTCHEON, John (Lab)       403  632.1
  TUCKFIELD, Roberta (Con)     475  678.2
  non-transferable               0  328.2

Valid votes 2949,  initial quota = 737.2, final quota = 655.2

Vote data file:  Wigtown_West.dat