Council election 2012 (Meek STV version)     East Dunbartonshire     Campsie and Kirkintilloch North

Elected:      Charles KENNEDY (EDIA),  John DEMPSEY (Lab),  David RITCHIE (SNP)

Show transfers
Count stage     
(Meek version - switch to actual count (WIG STV) )

name                       stage1 stage2
  DALY, Morag (SLD)            97  160.4
  DEMPSEY, John (Lab)         872 1225.6
  KENNEDY, Charles (EDIA)    2032  911.0
  LOTHIAN, Andrew (Con)       183  259.1
  RITCHIE, David (SNP)        813 1087.7
  non-transferable              0  353.1

Valid votes 3997,  initial quota = 999.2, final quota = 911

Vote data file:  Campsie_and_Kirkintilloch_North.dat