Council election 2012 (Meek STV version)     East Dunbartonshire     Kirkintilloch East and Twechar

Elected:      Stewart MACDONALD (Lab),  Jack YOUNG (EDIA),  John JAMIESON (SNP)

Show transfers
Count stage     
(Meek version - switch to actual count (WIG STV) )

name                         stage1 stage2
  JAMIESON, John (SNP)          868  911.3
  JOHNSTONE, Samantha (SLD)      66   72.5
  LOTHIAN, Alison (Con)         118  126.3
  MACDONALD, Stewart (Lab)     1293  878.8
  NEILL, Jim (Lab)              241  596.3
  TELFER, Willie (SSP)           41   51.1
  YOUNG, Jack (EDIA)            941  878.8
  non-transferable                0   53.0

Valid votes 3568,  initial quota = 892, final quota = 878.7

Vote data file:  Kirkintilloch_East_and_Twechar.dat