Council election 2012 (Meek STV version)     Fife     Howe of Fife and Tay Coast

Elected:      Donald LOTHIAN (SLD),  David MACDIARMID (SNP),  Andy HEER (Con)

Show transfers
Count stage     
(Meek version - switch to actual count (WIG STV) )

name                       stage1 stage2 stage3 stage4 stage5 stage6
  HEER, Andy (Con)            779  795.3  867.0  869.5  927.6 1055.1
  LOTHIAN, Donald (SLD)      1367 1185.5 1159.9 1158.4 1099.3  962.6
  MACDIARMID, David (SNP)    1159 1175.3 1216.2 1158.4 1099.3  962.6
  MILES, Iain (Lab)           513  522.2  571.9  575.0  651.8  870.0
  REID, Colin (SNP)           339  341.4  362.3  406.7    0.0    0.0
  STODDART, Neil (Grn)        387  396.6  462.1  465.5  619.0    0.0
  WILLS, Harry (SLD)          211  325.6    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0
  non-transferable              0   13.1  115.7  121.5  358.0  904.7

Valid votes 4755,  initial quota = 1188.8, final quota = 962.6

Vote data file:  Howe_of_Fife_and_Tay_Coast.dat