Council election 2017     Angus     Arbroath West-Letham and Friockheim

Elected:      David LUMGAIR (Con),  David FAIRWEATHER (Ind),  Alex KING (SNP),  Richard MOORE (SLD)

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Count stage     
(uses WIG STV - switch to Meek version )

name                        stage1  stage2  stage3  stage4
  FAIRWEATHER, David (Ind)    1465 1465.00 1222.00 1222.00
  KING, Alex (SNP)            1206 1251.35 1251.35 1222.00
  LUMGAIR, David (Con)        2585 1222.00 1222.00 1222.00
  MOORE, Richard (SLD)         326  979.29 1075.66 1077.11
  MORRISON, Donald (SNP)       526  544.98  588.61  613.55
  non-transferable               0  645.39  748.39  751.34

Electorate 13741 , votes 6213 (turnout 45.22%); valid votes 6108,  quota = 1222

Vote data file:  Arbroath_West-Letham_and_Friockheim.dat