Council election 2017     Highland     Badenoch and Strathspey

Elected:      John BRUCE (Con),  Bill LOBBAN (Ind),  Muriel COCKBURN (SNP),  Pippa HADLEY (Grn)

Show transfers
Count stage     
(uses WIG STV - switch to Meek version )

name                            stage1  stage2  stage3  stage4  stage5  stage6  stage7
  BRUCE, John (Con)               1266 1074.00 1074.00 1074.00 1074.00 1074.00 1074.00
  COCKBURN, Muriel (SNP)           992  993.82 1005.91 1014.78 1040.47 1089.89 1074.00
  DICK, Stewart (Ind)              336  362.84  371.74  401.08  455.73    0.00    0.00
  DURANCE, Les (UKIP)              169  198.57  202.73  210.99    0.00    0.00    0.00
  HADLEY, Pippa (Grn)              754  763.71  784.11  808.33  820.58  905.69  915.41
  LOBBAN, Bill (Ind)              1189 1189.00 1074.00 1074.00 1074.00 1074.00 1074.00
  MACDONALD, Donald Gunn (Ind)     147  167.78  185.28    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00
  RIMELL, Gregor (SLD)             516  571.35  601.53  663.92  689.63  793.65  795.39
  non-transferable                   0   47.93   69.70  121.90  214.59  431.76  436.21

Electorate 10612 , votes 5412 (turnout 51%); valid votes 5369,  quota = 1074

Vote data file:  Badenoch_and_Strathspey.dat