Council election 2017     Highland     Dingwall and Seaforth

Elected:      Graham Alexander MACKENZIE (SNP),  Margaret PATERSON (Ind),  Angela MACLEAN (SLD),  Alister MACKINNON (Ind)

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Count stage     
(uses WIG STV - switch to Meek version )

name                                 stage1 stage2 stage3 stage4 stage5 stage6
  ALLISON, Dave (Ind)                    53  66.83  71.83  73.30   0.00   0.00
  JARDINE, David (Lab)                  198 233.18 239.94 248.84 265.20   0.00
  LUYKEN, Reiner (Con)                  636 644.12 652.17 662.21 670.22 716.08
  MACKENZIE, Graham Alexander (SNP)    1267 886.00 886.00 886.00 886.00 886.00
  MACKINNON, Alister (Ind)              552 603.12 639.03 659.21 689.70 782.54
  MACLEAN, Angela (SLD)                 868 940.77 940.77 886.00 886.00 886.00
  PATERSON, Margaret (Ind)              853 966.67 886.00 886.00 886.00 886.00
  non-transferable                        0  86.30 111.25 125.43 143.88 270.38

Electorate 10055 , votes 4471 (turnout 44.47%); valid votes 4427,  quota = 886

Vote data file:  Dingwall_and_Seaforth.dat