Council election 2017     North Ayrshire     Ardrossan and Arran

Elected:      Timothy BILLINGS (Con),  Tony GURNEY (SNP),  Ellen MCMASTER (SNP)

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Count stage     
(uses WIG STV - switch to Meek version )

name                       stage1  stage2  stage3  stage4  stage5
  ALLISON, Gordon (NFMU)      238  280.34  285.29    0.00    0.00
  BILLINGS, Timothy (Con)    1309 1185.00 1185.00 1185.00 1185.00
  GURNEY, Tony (SNP)          930  932.18  946.18  955.56 1092.84
  HUNTER, John (Ind)          503  517.40  534.44  627.54    0.00
  MCGUIRE, Clare (Lab)        659  677.75  723.80  792.94  979.09
  MCMASTER, Ellen (SNP)       932  937.02 1000.97 1002.63 1034.82
  TURBETT, Colin (Ind)        165  170.40    0.00    0.00    0.00
  non-transferable              0   35.91   60.33  172.33  444.25

Electorate 9621 , votes 4859 (turnout 50.5%); valid votes 4736,  quota = 1185

Vote data file:  Ardrossan_and_Arran.dat