Scottish Council election 2022     Renfrewshire     11 Bishopton Bridge of Weir and Langbank     (map)

Elected:   Fiona AIRLIE-NICOLSON (SNP),  Colin Alan MCCULLOCH (Lab),  James MACLAREN (Con)

Show transfers
Count stage  

name                            stage1  stage2  stage3  stage4
  AIRLIE-NICOLSON, Fiona (SNP)    2384 1642.00 1642.00 1642.00
  DOUGAN, Mark (Con)               902  915.38  928.24 1029.98
  MACLAREN, James (Con)           1353 1381.32 1404.97 1573.57
  MCCULLOCH, Colin Alan (Lab)     1534 1821.27 1642.00 1642.00
  TOGHILL, Grant (SLD)             392  579.37  676.96    0.00
  non-transferable                   0  225.65  270.82  677.46

Total votes 6565,  quota = 1642

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