Council by-elections     By-elections2012-17     20140717 Oban North and Lorn

Elected:      John MACGREGOR (Ind)

Show transfers
Count stage     
(uses WIG STV - switch to Meek version )

name                     stage1 stage2 stage3 stage4
  FISHER, Gerry (SNP)       595    635    658      0
  GREEN, Kieron (Lab)       526    572    681    874
  MACGREGOR, John (Ind)     548    614    771    920
  MALLOY, Marri (Ind)       301      0      0      0
  VENNARD, Andrew (Con)     445    493      0      0
  non-transferable            0    101    305    621

Valid votes 2415,  quota = 1208

Vote data file:  20140717_Oban_North_and_Lorn.dat