Existentially quantified data constructors

The idea of using existential quantification in data type declarations was suggested by Laufer (I believe, thought doubtless someone will correct me), and implemented in Hope+. It's been in Lennart Augustsson's hbc Haskell compiler for several years, and proved very useful. Here's the idea. Consider the declaration:

  data Foo = forall a. MkFoo a (a -> Bool)
           | Nil

The data type Foo has two constructors with types:

  MkFoo :: forall a. a -> (a -> Bool) -> Foo
  Nil   :: Foo

Notice that the type variable a in the type of MkFoo does not appear in the data type itself, which is plain Foo. For example, the following expression is fine:

  [MkFoo 3 even, MkFoo 'c' isUpper] :: [Foo]

Here, (MkFoo 3 even) packages an integer with a function even that maps an integer to Bool; and MkFoo 'c' isUpper packages a character with a compatible function. These two things are each of type Foo and can be put in a list.

What can we do with a value of type Foo?. In particular, what happens when we pattern-match on MkFoo?

  f (MkFoo val fn) = ???

Since all we know about val and fn is that they are compatible, the only (useful) thing we can do with them is to apply fn to val to get a boolean. For example:

  f :: Foo -> Bool
  f (MkFoo val fn) = fn val

What this allows us to do is to package heterogenous values together with a bunch of functions that manipulate them, and then treat that collection of packages in a uniform manner. You can express quite a bit of object-oriented-like programming this way.

Why existential?

What has this to do with existential quantification? Simply that MkFoo has the (nearly) isomorphic type

  MkFoo :: (exists a . (a, a -> Bool)) -> Foo

But Haskell programmers can safely think of the ordinary universally quantified type given above, thereby avoiding adding a new existential quantification construct.

Type classes

An easy extension (implemented in hbc) is to allow arbitrary contexts before the constructor. For example:

data Baz = forall a. Eq a => Baz1 a a
         | forall b. Show b => Baz2 b (b -> b)

The two constructors have the types you'd expect:

Baz1 :: forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Baz
Baz2 :: forall b. Show b => b -> (b -> b) -> Baz

But when pattern matching on Baz1 the matched values can be compared for equality, and when pattern matching on Baz2 the first matched value can be converted to a string (as well as applying the function to it). So this program is legal:

  f :: Baz -> String
  f (Baz1 p q) | p == q    = "Yes"
               | otherwise = "No"
  f (Baz1 v fn)            = show (fn v)

Operationally, in a dictionary-passing implementation, the constructors Baz1 and Baz2 must store the dictionaries for Eq and Show respectively, and extract it on pattern matching.

Notice the way that the syntax fits smoothly with that used for universal quantification earlier.


There are several restrictions on the ways in which existentially-quantified constructors can be use.