The Virtual Shared Memory Performance of a Parallel Graph Reducer

Hans-Wolfgang Loidl
DSM 2002 --- International Workshop on Distributed Shared Memory on Clusters (organised with CCGrid 2002 --- International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid),  May 21 - 24, 2002, Berlin, Germany. To appear

This paper assesses the costs of maintaining a virtual shared heap in our parallel graph reducer (GUM), which implements a parallel functional language. GUM performs automatic and dynamic resource management for both work and data. We introduce extensions to the original design of GUM, aiming at a more flexible memory management and communication mechanism to deal with high-latency systems. We then present measurements of running GUM on a Beowulf cluster, evaluating the overhead of dynamic distributed memory management and the effectiveness of the new memory management and communication mechanisms.

  author = 	 {Loidl, H-W.},
  title = 	 {{The Virtual Shared Memory Performance of a Parallel Graph Reducer}},
  booktitle =  {{DSM 2002 --- International Workshop on Distributed Shared
                 Memory on Clusters}},
  address =    {Berlin, Germany},
  month =      may,
  year = 	 2002,
  note =	 {{Organised with CCGrid 2002 --- International Symposium
                 on Cluster Computing and the Grid}},

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