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Control-oriented Parallelism

Control-oriented parallelism is typically expressed by a sequence of strategy applications composed with par and seq that specifies which subexpressions of a function are to be evaluated in parallel, and in what order. The sequence is loosely termed a strategy, and is invoked by either the demanding or the sparking function. The Haskell flip function simply reorders a binary function's parameters.

demanding, sparking :: a -> () -> a

demanding = flip seq
sparking  = flip par

The control-oriented parallelism of pfib can be expressed as follows using demanding. Sections * and * contain examples using sparking

pfib n 
  | n <= 1    = 1
  | otherwise = (n1+n2+1) `demanding` strategy
      n1 = pfib (n-1)
      n2 = pfib (n-2)
      strategy = rnf n1 `par` rnf n2 

If we wish to avoid explicitly naming the result of a function, it is sometimes convenient to apply a control-oriented strategy with using. Quicksort is one example, and as before the two subexpressions, losort and hisort are selected for parallel evaluation.

quicksortS (x:xs) = losort ++ (x:hisort) `using` strategy 
                      losort = quicksortS [y|y <- xs, y < x] 
                      hisort = quicksortS [y|y <- xs, y >= x]
                      strategy result = rnf losort `par`
                                        rnf hisort `par` 
                                        rnf result


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