• About Rob Stewart

    Ross Duncan – Substitution, binding, and pattern matching in string diagrams (8th November, 2017)

    by  • November 4, 2017 • DSG Research Seminars: Logic and Programming Languages

    Speaker: Ross Duncan, University of Strathclyde Time and location: 15:15, EM 3.07 Abstract: Diagrams are widely used in science and engineering; well known examples include electronic circuit diagrams, Feynman diagrams, proof-nets, petri-nets, and countless others. All these diagrams share the same basic features because they are all presentations of monoidal categories — one of...

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    Rajiv Murali – A Rigorous Approach to Use Case Driven Development in SysML (18th October, 2017)

    by  • October 2, 2017 • DSG Research Seminars: Logic and Programming Languages

    Time and location: 14:30, EM 1.70 Abstract: Use cases (UC) are a popular technique used to define the goals of a system. As part of use case driven development (UCD), these goals drive the analysis, design and testing of the system. An integral part of UCD, are document-based use case specifications (UCS) that help...

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    Daniel J. Sorin – Designing Processors to Accelerate Robot Motion Planning (15 November, 2017)

    by  • September 22, 2017 • DSG Research Seminars: Logic and Programming Languages

    Abstract: We have developed a hardware accelerator for motion planning, a critical operation in robotics. I will present the microarchitecture of our accelerator and describe a prototype implementation on an FPGA. Experimental results show that, compared to the state of the art, the accelerator improves performance by three orders of magnitude and improves power...

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    John Power – Category theoretic semantics for theorem proving in logic programming: embracing the laxness (16 August, 2017)

    by  • September 8, 2017 • DSG Research Seminars: Logic and Programming Languages

    A propositional logic program P may be identified with a P_fP_f-coalgebra on the set of atomic propositions in the program. The corresponding C(P_fP_f)-coalgebra, where C(P_fP_f) is the cofree comonad on P_fP_f, describes derivations by resolution. That correspondence has been developed to model first-order programs in two ways, with lax semantics and saturated semantics, based...

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    Ilya Sergey – Programming and Proving with Distributed Protocols (26 July, 2017)

    by  • September 8, 2017 • DSG Research Seminars: Logic and Programming Languages

    Distributed systems play a crucial role in modern infrastructure, but are notoriously difficult to implement correctly. This difficulty arises from two main challenges: (a) correctly implementing core system components (e.g., two-phase commit), so all their internal invariants hold, and (b) correctly composing standalone system components into functioning trustworthy applications (e.g., persistent storage built on...

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    David Janin – Programing with inverse semigroups : the turtle, its pen and its violin (5 July, 2017)

    by  • September 8, 2017 • DSG Research Seminars: Logic and Programming Languages

    Logo is an educational programming language, designed in 1967, that is often known for its use of Turtle graphics, in which commands for movement and drawing produce line graphics either on screen or with a small robot called a turtle. In this talk, I will show how basic semigroup theoretical concepts, such as semigroup...

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    Laura Ciobanu Radomirovic – The language complexity of solutions of equations in free semigroups and groups (21 June, 2017)

    by  • September 8, 2017 • DSG Research Seminars: Logic and Programming Languages

    We show that, given a word equation over a finitely generated free group (or semigroup), the set of all solutions in reduced words forms an EDT0L language. In particular, it is an indexed language in the sense of Aho. This is joint work with Murray Elder and Volker Diekert.

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    Yutaka Nagashima – Towards Smart Proof Search for Isabelle (7 June, 2017)

    by  • September 8, 2017 • DSG Research Seminars: Logic and Programming Languages

    Despite the recent progress in automatic theorem provers, proof engineers are still suffering from the lack of powerful proof automation. In this talk, I present a proof strategy language for Isabelle and a proof method recommendation tool we are developing at Data61. Then, I sketch a smart proof search tool based on these two...

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    Frantisek Farka – Refinement in Dependent Type Theory via Proofs by Resolution (31 May, 2017)

    by  • September 8, 2017 • DSG Research Seminars: Logic and Programming Languages

    Logic programming, that is Horn Clause Logic equipped with a resolution mechanism, provides an expressive framework for first order proving with computational advantages over alternative approaches. Traditionally, resolution mechanisms employ full unification. Recently, however, attention was given to type-theoretic interpretation of logic programming with the focus on universal fragment of Horn Clause Logic where...

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    Yue Li – Productive Corecursion in Logic Programming (10 May, 2017)

    by  • September 8, 2017 • DSG Research Seminars: Logic and Programming Languages

    Logic Programming is a Turing complete language. As a consequence, designing algorithms that decide termination and non-termination of programs or decide inductive/coinductive soundness of formulae is a challenging task. For example, the existing state-of-the-art algorithms can only semi-decide coinductive soundness of queries in logic programming for regular formulae. Another, less famous, but equally fundamental...

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